Monthly Archives - February 2022

Loading Dock Safety: Which Vehicle Restraint is Right for You?

The slightest negligence in terms of safety at the level of a loading dock can lead to serious human and material damage. It is therefore essential to use effective, resistant and good quality safety devices when loading or unloading goods. Let's look specifically at vehicle restraint systems, which are primarily intended to immobilize trailers on docks.

The different types of vehicle restraint systems

At Canado Nacan Equipment, we provide you with several types of vehicle restraint systems.

Vertical restraint barriers or VBR

Vertical restraint...

A systematic approach for your loading docks: Accident prevention

Loading docks are often busy and sometimes can be a dangerous place. Most of the time in this type of environment you have trucks and trailers driving in and out of the dock and employees working around it. These activities could cause incidents if appropriate equipment, systems and procedures are not in place. Having a systematic safety strategy in place can help reduce the potential for hazardous conditions and accidents onsite. Devising a systematic approach that incorporates automatic vehicle restraints, vertical dock levelers,...
